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About us

The Cause Collective is a community organisation that aims to create the conditions for communities to thrive from this generation to the next.

We want to transform the way in which community and public services are experienced by individuals, families and whole communities.

We are a population-focused organisation and have an interest in the overall outcomes of Pacific peoples across Aotearoa, underserved and South Auckland communities. We work upstream to address the causes of complex problems and downstream to strengthen prevention systems. This is achieved by delivering a range of services to communities, clinical and provider networks and to our delivery partners.

We are a Pacific organisation

Our leadership approach, values, philosophies, policies, and operating procedures are reflective of Pacific cultural contexts and worldviews. The Nga Vaka o Kāiga Tapu – Pacific conceptual frameworks guide our culture and practice.

We are committed to bicultural and ambicultural practice

We recognise the importance of biculturalism and Te Tiriti in practice. Our team is comfortable in traversing diverse Māori and Pacific perspectives – to reach a shared understanding.

We work with demand-side evidence

We work to build real time data, insights, and evidence directly from the communities we work with to deeply understand complex problems.

We apply critical thinking

We apply the disciplines of critical thinking, systems thinking and the theory of constraints to identify the primary causes of complex problems.






We think differently

We think differently about complex problems and use social innovation tools, critical thinking and cultural perspectives to get to the heart of these problems.


We design for experience

We accelerate the pace of change by codesigning, testing, and prototyping scalable breakthrough solutions to complex problems.


We backbone

We coordinate activities across system stakeholders, leaders, and partners to build momentum through a shared agenda for change, shared measurement, and evaluation systems, and by sustaining action through networks of practice.


We build capability

We build the capability of our labour force, our community and provider workforce, and government
agencies through targeted programmes and micro-credentialing.


We provide management services

We support our stakeholders through quality back-office support services, including financial management, project coordination, facilitation and administrative support, advice in quality management systems, business analytics and data management.


We tell stories

We tell stories that create momentum for social change and that advocate for outcomes for Pacific peoples and South Auckland communities.